FEEDJIT shows Blog Readers which blogs are popular in any city and provides useful widgets for Bloggers.
For Blog Readers:
FEEDJIT's newest service, the Geoblogosphere, shows you which blogs people in your city are reading today. Your local newspapers get their stories from a handful of sources. We get our stories from hundreds of thousands of blogs. We figure out which blogs you and the people in your city read the most. When a major event or even a small one happens somewhere in the world, you can use the Geoblogosphere to see which blogs are being read by people in that part of the world.
The blogs FEEDJIT shows for your area are blogs written by real people: People sharing their political views and impressions of the latest events, Teenagers blogging about the club scene in their town, Single Mom's blogging about their kids and Chefs sharing their latest recipes.
For Bloggers:
FEEDJIT gives you several useful tools including the Live Traffic Feed widget that allows you to see what is happening on your blog right now. It's a live view of your blog that tells you what city your visitors are in, what sites they came from and what search terms they used to find your blog.
In addition we include your blog in our Geoblogosphere that shows which blogs are popular in any city, state or country. You get the best of both worlds: A useful widget for your blog and we send you a bunch of new visitors who are interested in reading news from your city.
1. Login To Joomla Administrator
2. Go to Template Manager, check list at template want to use as default. And Click Edit HTML
3. If your feedjit will display at left, search (CTR+F) left. see at picture..
4. Copy JS code feedjit
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feedjit.com/serve/?bc=FFFFFF&tc=494949&brd1=336699&lnk=494949&hc=336699&ww=160"></script><noscript><a href="http://feedjit.com/">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript>
For more option get JS code at Web Feedjit
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actually, we can add it as a module in joomla.
just login as administrator, then edit your user editor first (no wysiwyg / tinymce editors).
after u do it, just add new module -> custom HTML, and then copy the code...
i did it... :)
yep, module is the best. good call. :) just plonk it in as a PHP Module. i didn't even need to change my editor. just paste in the code and give it a name and a position.
nice info ., dah ,. ane tes di web ane gan ., thanks :D